Lex Bona Fide – Law Journal (ISSN: 2582-7952)




Embarking on the intricate journey of the trial process in criminal cases is akin to witnessing a legal symphony where each note plays a crucial role in the pursuit of justice. Guided by the Code of Criminal Procedure (CRPC), this intricate choreography involves the examination of witnesses, cross-examination, and a dynamic interplay between the prosecution and defense. This blog aims to delve into the nuances of the trial procedure, providing a more in-depth understanding of the stages that define the pursuit of justice in criminal cases.


  1. Commencement of Trial: Setting the Stage (Sections 225-237):


  1. Framing of Charges (Sections 225-227):

The trial commences with the framing of charges against the accused, a process governed by Sections 225 to 227 of the CRPC. This pivotal step ensures that the accused is aware of the specific offenses they are charged with, fostering clarity and fairness in the legal proceedings.

  1. Reading and Explanation of Charges (Section 228):

Once the charges are framed, they are read and explained to the accused as mandated by Section 228. This ensures that the accused comprehends the nature and particulars of the offenses they are accused of, upholding the fundamental right to a fair trial.


  1. Examination of Witnesses: Unveiling the Narrative (Sections 241-254):


  1. Prosecution’s Examination-in-Chief (Sections 241-242):

The prosecution initiates the examination of witnesses, guided by Sections 241 to 242 of the CRPC. Witnesses present their accounts and evidence to establish the prosecution’s case, laying the foundation for the narrative that will unfold during the trial.

  1. Cross-Examination by the Defense (Sections 243-244):

The defense, representing the accused, engages in cross-examination according to Sections 243 to 244. This stage serves as a rigorous test of the credibility of the evidence presented by the prosecution, allowing the defense to unveil potential inconsistencies or weaknesses.

  1. Re-Examination (Section 245):

If required, the prosecution may conduct re-examination under Section 245 to clarify any points raised during cross-examination. This step adds a layer of precision to the evidence presented, addressing ambiguities introduced during the defense’s questioning.


  1. Closing the Prosecution’s Case: Strategic Moves (Sections 245-248):


  1. Acquittal or Arguments (Section 245):

After the prosecution presents its case, the court may consider an acquittal if the evidence is deemed insufficient. If not, the court proceeds to hear arguments from both sides as outlined in Section 245, allowing for a robust and fair legal process.

  1. Defense Evidence (Sections 244 and 246):

The defense seizes the opportunity to present its evidence, guided by Sections 244 and 246. This evidence may include witness testimonies, documents, or any other relevant material, shaping the defense’s case in response to the prosecution’s allegations.


  1. Final Arguments and Judgment: The Culmination (Sections 253-267):


  1. Final Arguments (Section 254):

Both the prosecution and defense present their final arguments, summarizing their respective cases. Section 254 allows each side to persuasively present its interpretation of the evidence and legal principles, paving the way for the court’s deliberation.

  1. Judgment (Sections 253-267):

The court delivers its judgment based on the evidence presented, legal arguments, and applicable law, guided by Sections 253 to 267 of the CRPC. This stage marks the culmination of the trial, providing a comprehensive and reasoned conclusion.


  1. Sentencing and Appeal: Epilogue of the Legal Drama:


  1. Sentencing (Sections 325-376):

If the accused is found guilty, the court proceeds to sentencing, as detailed in Sections 325 to 376 of the CRPC. This stage involves determining the appropriate punishment, ranging from fines to imprisonment, by the severity of the offenses.

  1. Right to Appeal (Sections 372-394):

The accused, or the prosecution in the case of an acquittal, retains the right to appeal under Sections 372 to 394. This crucial step allows for a review of the judgment by a higher court, ensuring that the legal process maintains its integrity and fairness.



The trial procedure in criminal cases unfolds like a symphony, where each note contributes to the pursuit of justice. From framing charges to the final judgment, the CRPC serves as a guide, ensuring that the legal process adheres to due process, fairness, and transparency. A more in-depth exploration of each stage provides a nuanced understanding of the intricate dance between the prosecution and defense, emphasizing the critical role of accurate evidence, skilled cross-examination, and the dynamic interactions that shape the pursuit of justice.